
Friday, June 11, 2010

G20 in Toronto (NOT RAD)

"I'm against picketing, I just don't know how to show it."
-Mitch Hedberg

TORONTO - The end of this month is gonna suck nuts. I can't begin to say how pissed off I am at these Canadian politicians for inviting a bunch of diplomats here that for some reason are well known to make everyone without a job get pissed off about whatever pisses them off and start shouting, waving signs, and ultimately recieving free electronics. The last part isn't that bad, I could use a new TV. They got those 3D TVs out now. Those look pretty rad, and LORD knows I can't afford one.

But these days there is nothing cool to protest. Women and minorities can vote, own land, all that stuff. Gay people can too. People are able to decide whether or not to get an abortion. Only idiots like oil companies, and marijuana is slowly becoming socially acceptable (and increasingly legally tolerated.) Oh yeah, George W. Bush doesn't matter anymore. So what the hell is the problem?

I've been seeing a lot of these signs saying to protest unemployment. Now that's laughable. People who protest don't have jobs. They don't want jobs because they don't want to sell out to the man. So instead of working they go to protests. Now they don't know what to protest so they are protesting something they don't even want, just so they can protest.

Did you know there is a leader to the Anarchist movement? What happened there?

Anarchists are stupid. They don't realize they are stupid, which makes them stupider. They think they can accomplish stuff by not doing anything. Have you ever sat next to an anarchist? It's like sitting next to a 3-week-old dog corpse. How the hell is that an improvement on anything?

Isn't it ridiculous that a bunch of people organized under the idea that government can't work are expecting government officials to listen to their concerns and do something about them?

I'm gonna stop asking retorical questions. It makes me feel like I'm protesting.

Here's a list of things that suck about protesters, protesting, and the G20 summit:
  • Chanting stuff
  • Politicians don't care about protesters
  • Protesters only wear Crocs and Birkenstock
  • They live life like basketball shoes don't exist
  • Sound canons
  • Dogs
  • Tear gas
  • People in NOFX shirts
  • White protestant kids wearing Palestinian scarves
  • Ugly handmade signs
  • Drumming on plastic containers
  • Undercover police inciting riots
  • No cell phone calls
  • Rubber bullets
  • Not being able to shoot hippies with rubber bullets
  • They think they make a difference
  • It's all going on in the downtown of the 5th biggest city on the continent, stopping a whole lot of economic activity for 5 days
  • Take a shower and get a job. Losers bitch.
 I'm tired. Fuck it.

Your pal,
Jesus Pescado

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